N033 Jiang Tang Wan / Ever Spring – Traditional Herbal Formula Pills

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N033 Jiang Tang Wan / Ever Spring – Traditional Herbal Formula Pills

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N033  Jiang Tang Wan

Ever Spring herbs are made by one of the top herbal extractors in China, utilizing the most advanced techniques and technologies. These pills are highly concentrated traditional Chinese herbal formulas-GMP certified and 100% safe. 

Ren Shen- Radix AstragaliHuang qi – Radix GinsengShan Yao – Rhizoma Dioscoreae Shi Gao – Gypsum Fibrosum Zhi Mu – Rhizoma Anemarrhenae Tian Hua Feng – Radix Trichosanthis Fu Ling- Poria Mai Dong – Radix Ophiopogonis Di Huang- Radix Rehmanniae Shan Zhu Yu- Fructus Corni Gan Cao- Radix Glycyrrhizae Di Gu Pi- Cortex Lycii Yu Mi Xu -Stigma Maydis

This traditional Chinese herb indicated for diabetes. Benefiting qi nourishing yin promoting fluid producing and quenching thirst.

Take 5-8 pills orally, 2-3 times a day or in compliance with your doctor’s instructions.

PackageBottle: 200 concentrated pills


All herbal formulas are not meant for long term use. Long term use should be directed by a TCM practitioner. If you experience any adverse effect, stop the herb immediately and consult you TCM practitioner. 


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Bottle, Buy 5 Bot get 1 Bot Free, Dozen, Buy 9 Dz get 1 Dz Free

N033 Jiang Tang Wan / Ever Spring - Traditional Herbal Formula Pills

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